Sapphira A in Je T'aime
So, some lucky guy has left Sapphira A home alone at his place. "Sleep in," he told her. "I'll be back soon." Well, now she's awake and playing dress-up, checking out how she looks in some of his clothes. It's just for fun at first but as she drapes his smart gray tie over her boobs, feels the silk against her nipples, she's aware of the warm wetness between her thighs. Next thing she's naked again, fingers slipping in between her thighs. He said he'd bring back breakfast – but when he sees that sweet, sexy smile, the look in her eyes as she tells him exactly how she's been amusing herself, he'll be wanting to eat something else…
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12 Members commented on Sapphira A's gallery
My favorite model from any site! I love EVERYTHING about her!
Lovely girl.would love to see her in motion
Nice outfit :)
Pretty smile, beautiful body Sapphira! A fun and sexy photo set. I love your facial expression when you are fingering your lovely pussy; very hot and sexy! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous self!
Mmmm... More office sex! I love it! I get all warm and tingly inside when I see a hot girl in a neck tie. This is great!
Hey Sapphira: great set, great show, great outfit - I like this trousers. And your lovely smile! Go ahead.
Funny thing ~ and I know nobody's going to believe this ~ I liked the panties a whole lot more than the pants... LOL
Wow, this is exactly how cross-dressing should be done... Sapphira looks amazing! It's so exciting to see a girl in a man's shirt and tie... takes me back to one of my first crushes, Katherine Moennig, who played Shane in 'The L Word.' Love it :-)
She really seems to be enjoying it, too... that smile of hers is radiant! (:
Took the words right out of my mouth lol That's the first thing I thought of also..."Someone is looking very Shane today!" :) Sapphira looks incredible! I almost didn't want to see her take the tie off! lol Gorgeous set!
Oh yeah, you got it! Still makes me crazy just thinking about it :-)